Standard library reference

6 mins

The Ink standard library is not current packaged into the distributed binary. However, you can get up-to-date versions of these libraries on GitHub.

Standard (std)

std is Ink’s core library.

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Prints the string version of val to standard output.


Opens standard input, and calls cb with the result of the first chunk of input as a string.


Takes a positive integer and returns a lowercase hexadecimal string.


Takes a lowercase hexadecimal string and returns its value as a number.


Returns minimum of a list of numbers.


Returns a maximum of a list of numbers

range(start, end, step)

Returns a list of numbers starting at start, going up by step until and excluding when it equals or exceeds end.

For example, range(0, 5, 1) returns [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]. range(0, n, 1) is a common idiom to generate a list n elements long.

clamp(start, end, min, max)

Clamps a given numeric range, [start, end], to the range [min, max]. The resulting range, if possible, is the intersection of those two ranges. If that intersection is an empty set, it returns [min, min] or [max, max], both empty ranges.

slice(s, start, end)

Returns a sub-slice of a list from and including start, to and excluding end. If start is an index out of bounds, it returns an empty list.

slice works much like the slice operator [a:b] of Go and Python.

append(base, child)

Appends the list child to the end of the list base, mutating base.

join(base, child)

Appends the list child to the end of the list base, while leaving base. In other words, join is the immutable counterpart to append.


Shallow-clones a composite value or a string, so that mutating its return value will not mutate the original. clone is useful for using a mutable function against a variable that should be immutable.


Returns a string representation of a composite value as a list. stringList is useful for diagnostic purposes, for logging list values to output.

stringList([1, 2, [3, 4]]) returns '[1, 2, {0: 3, 1: 4}]'.


Reverses a list, and returns the result as a new list without mutating the input.

map(list, f)

Maps over a list and creates a new list, applying f to each item. f is passed the arguments (item, index).

filter(list, f)

Filters a list and creates a new list that only includes items from list for which f(item) returns true. f is passed the arguments (item, index).

reduce(list, f, acc)

Reduces over the list from left to right, in ascending index order, starting with accumulator acc, applying f to the arguments (acc, item, index).

reduceBack(list, f, acc)

Like reduce, but traverses the list from the end, in decreasing-index order.


Flattens a list of lists into a single list containing the sublists’ items in order. flatten only flattens a list one-level deep.


Returns true if list contains at least one true.


Returns true if list contains no false.

cat(list, joiner)

Concatenates a list of strings into a single string, with joiner in between each pair.

each(list, f)

Loops over list, calling f(item, index) on each item. Its return value is to be discarded.


Encodes a string buffer into a list of numbers, each byte being a number entry in the list. encode is useful for converting between ASCII numeric and string representations of a string, or for doing arithmetic with byte values in a string.


Reverse of encode, decode takes a list of numbers less than 256 and returns a string where each character (byte) has the byte value of the corresponding number from the list. decode will simply skip over any numbers in the list greater than 255.

readFile(path, cb)

Reads file from a given path completely, and calls cb with the read string buffer as the argument. If the read fails for one reason or another, the null value () is sent instead to the callback.

writeFile(path, data, cb)

Writes a string buffer, given as data, to the file at path. If a file is already present, writeFile truncates the existing file. If the file is not there, writeFile creates it. If write is successful, cb is called with true. On any error, () is passed instead to the callback.

format(raw, values)

Returns a format string with the string formatting substrings replaced with their referenced values from values, which can be a map or a list. For example:

format('{{ 0 }} {{ 1 }} {{ 0 }}', ['A', 'B'])
`` -> 'A B A'

format('{{ steve }} met {{ jony }}', {
    steve: 'Steve Jobs'
    jony: 'Jony Ive'
`` -> 'Steve Jobs met Jony Ive'

String (str)

str contains string manipulation functions.

See source on GitHub →


Reports whether the given character is an ASCII uppercase character.


Reports whether the given character is an ASCII lowercase character.


Reports whether the given character is an ASCII number character.


Reports whether the given character is an ASCII Latin letter.


Reports whether the given character is an ASCII whitespace character.

hasPrefix?(s, prefix)

Reports whether prefix is a prefix of s, i.e. whether s starts with prefix.

hasSuffix?(s, suffix)

Counterpart to hasPrefix?, reports whether suffix is a suffix of s, i.e. whether s ends with suffix.

index(s, substring)

If substring is a substring of s, returns the index of its first occurrence. Otherwise, returns ~1.

contains?(s, substring)

Reports whether substring is a substring of s.


Converts all ASCII uppercase characters in s to their lowercase counterparts.


Converts all ASCII lowercase characters in s to their uppercase counterparts.


Converts s to “title case”, which in this case simply means capitalizing the first character and lowercasing the rest.

replace(s, old, new)

Replaces all occurrences of old with new in s. Only non-overlapping sections of overlapping matches will be replaced.

split(s, delim)

Splits s by occurrences of delim into a list of strings. If s begins or ends in delim, the first or last item of the list, respectively will be the empty string.

trimPrefix(s, prefix)

If prefix is a prefix of s, returns s without that prefix. This is done repeatedly until prefix is no longer at the start of s.

trimSuffix(s, suffix)

If suffix is a suffix of s, returns s without that suffix. This is done repeatedly until suffix is no longer at the end of s.

trim(s, ss)

Trims all instances of ss at either the start or end of s.

Sort (quicksort)

quicksort contains an implementation of Quicksort using Hoare partition.

See source on GitHub →

sortBy(v, pred)

Sorts list v by the result of the given predicate. i.e. the list is sorted via quicksort according to the value of pred(item) for each item in v.


Sorts the list in-place. If the list is of numbers, the sort is ascending numerical order. If the list is of strings, the sort is in ascending lexicographical order. In all other cases, the sort is ambiguous.


The counterpart to sort!(v) that does not mutate the given list.

UUID (uuid)

uuid generates UUIDs.

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Returns a cryptographically random UUID compliant with UUID version 4.